List of Agency Decision Makers, Designated Managers and Nominated Officers

Please note: Authorisation for some placements for looked after children must be at Assistant Director level or above. The circumstances in which this applies are:

  • Where proposed placement costs total £2000 per week or more;
  • Where the proposed placement is a residential provision;
  • Where the proposed placement is through an Independent Fostering Association and the Local Authority is requiring single occupancy and/or bed blocking.

See also Delegation of Authority to Foster Carers and Residential Workers Procedure.


Consent to life-ending withdrawal of medical support for a child will require an application to the High Court even if all relevant parties are in agreement. Legal advice must be sought as a matter of urgency.


This chapter was updated in January 2023.

Designated Managers with Specified Area of Responsibility

Designated Managers with Specified Area of Responsibility Post Title and Contact Details

Agency Decision Maker (Adoption)

The Agency Decision Maker who makes decisions on all adoption matters (some of which will be made on the basis of a recommendation of the Adoption Panel).

Post title:

Assistant Director
Children’s Safeguarding
Children’s Services and Skills Directorate

Contact details:

Iona Payne
0121 704 8325

Post title: Head of Service, Children in Care and Care leavers

Contact details:

Anna Stephens
0121 788 4352

Agency Decision Maker (Fostering)

The Agency Decision Maker who makes decisions on fostering matters (on the basis of recommendations of the Fostering Panel).

Post title: Head of Service for Fostering, Adoption and Residential Children’s Homes

Contact details:

Anna Stephens
0121 788 4352

Post title: Head of Service for Children in Care and Care Experienced Young People

Contact details:

Emma Lightfoot

Designated Manager (Adoption Panel Appointments)

The manager who can authorise appointments to the Central List of Adoption Panel members.

Post title: ACE Lead Manager Brenda Vincent

Contact details:

Brenda Vincent
Lead Manager
Adoption Central England (ACE)
Saltisford Office Park
Ansell Way
CV34 4UL

0300 369 0556
0778 597 1391
Internal: 58 2344

Designated Manager (Adoption Support)

The manager who can authorise the level of adoption support to be provided to children, adopters (including financial support) and their family or birth family members.

Post title: Adoption Operations Manager –Spokes

Contact details:

Louise Hathaway
Adoption Central England
Saltisford Office
Ansell Way

0300 369 0556

Designated Manager (Care Plans)

The manager who can authorise the final Care Plan to be taken before the Court within Care Proceedings.

Post title: Relevant Head of Service

Contact details:

Anna Stephens
0121 788 4352


Emma Lightfoot
0121 788 4482

Designated Manager (Care Proceedings)

The manager who can authorise the initiating of Care Proceedings.

Post title: Relevant Head of Service

Contact details:

Joel Desous
0121 788 4358


Emma Lightfoot
0121 788 4482

Designated Manager (Change of Name)

The manager who can authorise the change of name of a Looked After Child.

Post title:

Assistant Director
Children’s Safeguarding
Children’s Services and Skills Directorate

Contact details:

Iona Payne
0121 704 6913

Designated Manager (Contact with Parents)

The manager who can authorise the suspension or termination of contact between a Looked After child and his or her parents (subject to the Court's approval after 7 days for children on Emergency Protection Orders, Interim Care Orders or Care Orders).

Post title: Relevant Head of Service

Contact details:

Joel Desous
0121 788 4358


Emma Lightfoot
0121 788 4482

Designated Manager (Death or Serious Injury to a Child)

The senior manager who should be notified in the event of death or serious injury to a child.

Post title: Head of Service, Safeguards

Contact details:

Tony McGregor

Designated Manager (Decision to Look After or cease to Look After)

The manager who can authorise a child becoming or ceasing to be Looked After.

Post title: Relevant Head of Service

Contact details:

Emma Lightfoot
0121 788 4482


Joel Desous
0121 788 4358

Designated Manager (Emergency Protection Orders)

The manager who can authorise an application for an Emergency Protection Order.

Post title: Relevant Head of Service (or out of hours Head of Service)

Contact details:

Joel Desous
0121 788 4358


Emma Lightfoot
0121 788 4482

Designated Manager (Emigration)

The manager who can authorise the placement of a Looked after child outside England and Wales.

Post title: Director of Childrens Services or Assistant Director

Contact details:

Pete Campbell


Iona Payne
0121 704 6913

Designated Manager (Exemptions and Extensions from Fostering Limit)

The manager who can authorise any exemptions from the usual fostering limit for foster carers living in the local authority area.

Post title: Head of Service

Contact details:

Anna Stephens
0121 788 4352

Designated Manager (External Placements)

The manager who can authorise placements of Looked After children with external providers of residential care or foster carers from an independent fostering agency.

Post title: Relevant Head of Service

Contact details:

Joel Desous
0121 788 4358


Emma Lightfoot
0121 788 4482

Designated Manager (Fostering Panel Appointments)

The manager who can authorise appointments to the Central List of Fostering Panel members

Post title: Fostering Team Manager

Contact details:

Beth Corrigan,
Fostering Team Manager
0121 788 4232

Designated Manager (Leaving Care)

The manager who can approve a Pathway Plan.

Post title: Team Manager or Assistant Team Manager

Contact details:

Laura Freeman
0121 788 4455

Designated Manager (Marriage / Civil Partnership)

The manager who can authorise the marriage / civil partnership of a Looked After child.

Post title: Assistant Director

Contact details:

Iona Payne
0121 704 6913

Designated Manager (Notifications)

Where a Looked After Child from another local authority has been placed in the area, the manager to whom the notification should be sent.

Post title: Head of Service, Safeguards

Contact details:

Tony McGregor

Designated Manager (Passports)

The manager who can authorise a passport application for a Looked After child.

Post title: Head of Service

Contact details:

Anna Stephens
0121 788 4352


Joel Desous
0121 788 4358


Emma Lightfoot
0121 788 4482

Designated Manager (Placement Orders)

The manager who can authorise an application for a Placement Order.

Post title: Relevant Head of Service

Contact details:

Joel Desous
0121 788 4358


Emma Lightfoot
0121 788 4482

Designated Manager (Private Fostering)

The manager who can approve assessments of private foster carers, impose requirements on private foster carers or decide to prohibit someone from acting as a private foster carer.

Post title: Fostering Team Manager

Contact details:

Beth Corrigan,
Fostering Team Manager
0121 788 4232

Designated Manager (Secure Accommodation)

The manager who can authorise:

A placement of a Looked After child in secure accommodation for up to 72 hours without a Secure Accommodation Order; and/or

An application for a Secure Accommodation Order; and/or

A child's continued secure placement on the recommendation of the Secure Accommodation Review Panel; and/or

Applications to renewal Secure Accommodation Orders on the recommendation of the Secure Accommodation Review Panel.

Post title: Assistant Director, Children, Young People and Families

Contact details:

Iona Payne
0121 704 6913

Designated Manager (Special Guardianship)

The manager who can authorise Special Guardianship as the permanence plan for a Looked After child.

Post title: Relevant Head of Service

Contact details:

Anna Stephens
0121 788 4352


Emma Lightfoot
0121 788 4482

Designated Manager (Special Guardianship Support)

The manager who can authorise the level of special guardianship support to be provided, including financial support to special guardians.

Post title: Relevant Head of Service

Contact details:

Emma Lightfoot
0121 788 4482


Anna Stephens
0121 788 4352

Nominated Officer (Disruption of Education)

The manager who can authorise the change of placement affecting a Looked After child in Key Stage 4.

Post title: Relevant Head of Service

Contact details:

Emma Lightfoot
0121 788 4482


Anna Stephens
0121 788 4352

Nominated Officer (Out of Area Placements)

The manager who can authorise the placement of a Looked After child outside the area of the local authority.

Post title: Relevant Head of Service

Contact details: (on behalf of DCS for relevant Head of Service)

Emma Lightfoot
0121 788 4482


Anna Stephens
0121 788 4352

Nominated Officer (Immediate Placement of a Looked After Child with Connected Person)

The manager who can authorise the placement of a Looked After child with a family or friend ('Connected Person') who is not already approved as a foster carer.

Post title: Relevant Head of Service

Contact details:

Emma Lightfoot
0121 788 4482


Anna Stephens
0121 788 4352

Nominated Officer (Placement of a Looked After Child subject to Care Order or Interim Care Order with Parents)

The manager who can authorise the placement of a Looked After child with a parent, person with Parental Responsibility or person who held a Residence Order/Child Arrangements Order specifying with whom the child was to reside immediately before the Care Order.

Post title: Relevant Head of Service

Contact details:

Emma Lightfoot
0121 788 4482


Anna Stephens
0121 788 4352


Joel Desous
0121 788 4358